It's a new year. I suppose I am a little late on this.
So, we're not going to talk about resolutions.
I haven't written a bloody thing in what seems like ages. My mind is mush, yet sparked with all sorts of raging daggers and shards of glass and things that glimmer (but not craft herpes - what you may know as "glitter".). Artist's block? Writer's block? What shall we call it? After all, we are human, and humans seem to need some sort of categorization and familiarity to function and care. Ah, well, let's not name this, and not see what it makes you feel.
I had some dreams lately, but I cannot recall them well. I miss having crazy dreams. Remembering them, that is.
Let's talk about anger.
That tickle inside you that makes you twitch and shake, feel the urge to explode your every negative emotion upon anything within a Mt St Helen's radius around you. The fire burning in your eyes as you feel them shoot lasers into those people or things that have angered you.
He's chewing his food. Everyone needs to chew food. Okay, maybe not snakes. But humans. We need to do it. But, gosh, does he have to do it so loudly? Am I going crazy? Why is this so loud to me? WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME? Can I say something? Should I say something? Is that rude? Why am I thinking so much on this? Does everyone do this? It didn't bother me yesterday. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MAKE IT STOP.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I don't even know where I am going. Well, then. End post.
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