Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Stupid, useless writing.

It's kind of like that bad writing you wrote in high school, the stuff you were forced to write.  The stuff you hated or liked but sucked at.  That's my aim.  It's like sitting at the computer, with your one-inch margins on Microsoft Word, pounding out letters on the keyboard, hoping your English teacher will skim it over and give it a passing grade.

Welcome to the blog.  Heh.  Blog.  Who would have thought, just a few years ago, these things would exist.  Or even mean anything.  The truth in it is that it probably won't go anywhere or mean anything to anyone, just a few scattered people.  Who knows how blogs get popular, anyhow.  Life is still that popularity contest we battled for in high school.  So, bring it on.  Let's get somewhere in it.

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